Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Discontinued Lipstick Colors
Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Here are some tips to purchase lipstick that has been discontinued:

Don’t throw away your empty lipstick or cosmetic packaging

If possible, don’t throw away the empty lipstick or packaging, as you may need the name, brand, item number and date so you can repurchase the exact lipstick you want. Even if the name or item is partially faded away, your retailer or brand can identify what shade it is by certain characteristics of the item that is visible.

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Contact the brand or manufacturer of the discontinued lipstick

Many discontinued items have a “Gone, but not forgotten” program, where you can buy discontinued items directly from the brand. Many famous brands like Revlon and Chanel sell discontinued lipsticks directly, and they can be contacted through their website and email.

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Online websites

If you can’t find the discontinued lipstick through the manufacturer or brand, you can purchase them through several websites. Purchasing through websites is probably easier than the manufacturer, as most websites will have most of the lipstick in stock. The most popular place to purchase discontinued lipsticks is through Amazon and ebay. They have the most diverse and rare ranges of lipstick available. There are many other websites that sell discontinued lipstick, but these two are often the best.

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Reproduce discontinued lipstick

If no company can sell your special shade of lipstick, you can reproduce the lipstick. Even if you have little bits of lipstick, or just a smudge of lipstick, a company called Three Custom Color can reproduce it. Even if you can describe the color and shade to them, they can do the best for you to reproduce it.

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Discontinued Lipstick Colors

Discontinued Lipstick Colors
Discontinued Lipstick Colors


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