Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews
Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Pepper sprays are just that - defense sprays made from the oils of very hot peppers. This oil is a natural chemical called Oleoresin Capsicum and when sprayed in the face of an attacker, this inflammatory agent will swell the veins in the eyes and the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This will basically shut down the attacker, uncontrollably clamping his eyes shut and causing very little air to get through his airway, dropping him to his knees in a coughing fit and racked with burning pain. These effects will wear off in less than an hour leaving no lasting damage, but giving you plenty of time to escape and call for help.

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews

Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews
Lipstick Pepper Spray Reviews


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